A sports scholarship in America has never been closer to you!

We will help you continue your education and sports career in one of the many colleges or high schools in the USA

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HeadCoach - Partner Schools and Universities

Receiving a sports scholarship will, apart from athletic development, enable you to get a globally accepted and respected prestigious diploma. Get to know about some of the best American educational and sports institutions with whom the Head Coach agency has successful partnerships.

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    Head Coach agency is a highly professional agency and working with them from the very start gave us great hope and satisfaction towards the end of the process. They were very realistic regarding the school choice, very cooperative and incredibly attentive to our wants and possibilities.

    Tamara Mikalacki

    The mother of our client Simeon Eremin

  • 1654887086245-1

    The guys from the Head Coach agency have an amazing platform to help you ensure a better, more professional and organised future for yourself.

    Predrag Ivanović

    Barry University’s Soccer Head Coach

  • nintchdbpict000427432174-e1570892534800-1-1

    America is the destination of many of our people who want to study and play sports at the same time. This program is one of the best combinations to connect two useful and interesting things.

    Slavisa Jokanovic

    Serbian football manager

Our success in numbers

  • 225+

    Number of institutions on offer

  • 99+

    Number of current scholarship offers

  • 3.6$M

    Money provided through scholarships

Sports that can get you a scholarship

  • categories-9
    01/ Basketball
  • categories-8
    02/ Soccer
  • categories-10
    03/ Volleyball
  • kim-clijsters-gbde2963a5_1920
    04/ Tennis
  • maksym-tymchyk-bgobozornoq-unsplash-1
    05/ Swimming
  • golf-g8a0969710_1920-1
    06/ Golf
  • braden-collum-9hi8ujmsdza-unsplash-1-1
    07/ Athletics
  • matthew-fournier-yt1panfp00s-unsplash-1
    08/ Rowing
  • nathanael-desmeules-8bjeuy7s-g8-unsplash-min
    09/ Ice hockey
  • sean-do-ehld2utef68-unsplash-1-1
    10/ Esports
Like many others. Contact us to hear what we have to offer.
Let's talk

How to get scholarship?

Our team will make sure that every step is completely clear to you, will support you throughout the process and help you achieve the best possible results during the college scholarship application process.

If you want to study and do sports at the highest level - there is no better place then America, and we are going to help you to accomplish that!

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